"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Yoga weekend follow up

Since the big Yoga weekend and my epiphany 3 weeks ago, my life has been challenging. Some how 3 of my clients got the idea that I am the anti-Christ. All evil in their life was perceived as being by my design. Last week, my payment for services was not deposited into my account. Not only did I not get paid, but I can not pay my staff. Got a $500 cell phone bill and a collection notice for $1,500 hospital bill from 6 years ago in the past 2 weeks. My wicked cold from a month ago returned. Some other stuff happened that right now I can not nor wish to recall.

Oh, one was that the first Tuesday back, I subbed and taught the Yoga class. I had all this great stuff I was going to share with everyone, right? All that new stuff I learned. Had it all planed out. Right after we first started, just getting our breathing down, my mind went blank. Completely forgot everything. Just had to wing it.

That first week, not only did I get very sick, but the 2 wolves were fighting again. Not sure why I would want to fight myself over receiving and using such a very special gift, feeling better and all that, but I was doing it. That cold was beating me down, I got depressed and well, same ol’ same ol‘. That fight lasted a week or more.

Talked with the other person from my Yoga class here that went to the Yoga weekend same time as me. Same story with her.

In my opinion, through my life experiences, after we receive a new cooping tool, we are offered a chance to use it. For me, that chance is often the next day. Been using it and yes, it works. Just keep calm about the whole thing, some good deep diaphragmatic breaths, kept in mind it all Serves a Purpose and well… most of it has worked out and soon the rest.

Within me lately is a growing desire to take off, get some time away from my life. It worked so well before on that weekend that I have been feeling like I need more cleansing and growing and insight. Found a 16 day Yoga retreat on the internet to the Himalayas in India. Great price and Yoga all day and all night and I will be able to heal and grow and fix and… rubbish. All of that has to come from within. I can travel around the world and spend my whole life looking here and looking there and all the issues will just follow me. Life will still be here when I get back. I have the tools, just need to use them and let them do there work. That is what I have been doing and so far, so good.

So, how about if I get fixed and working, then go on that trip?


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