"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Something new and a wax museum

My dream from this morning: We were walking through a wax museum. This part had just been a quick change from the previous, so details of whom I was with are not clear because it happened very quickly. The time duration was very short as well before I woke. I can recall seeing two wax figures, one male one female. They may have been actors or rock musicians, not sure because I did not spend much time looking at them. We walked quickly by to the next display.

This was a male figure of a guy dressed like a janitor with a dark blue full jumpsuit. His head was missing. In his hands was a rake, the type with the big plastic forks, not the short metal ones. My intuition was telling me he had something to say, so I listened closely. He began to speak to me from down inside his chest, or from his heart. He did not speak words right away, but began to rake the area around him. He cleared all of the leaves quickly because he was standing in a very small area that was marked by a very short gold fence. This fence was perhaps only 8 or 10 inches tall. He twisted his body to do some raking behind him. With great effort, he pulled his feet from the floor that had been attached with rebar wire from his souls. As he stepped over his fence and began more swiping, he said “Step out side your area.” That is when I woke.

I knew he was saying for me to move out of my usual routine, my normal comfort zone, to try a new approach, to do things I have not been doing. In the recent past, I have heard a few people advise me to try new approaches to my current concerns. I guess just do some stuff I have not tried much lately. There are a few women in my life right now that seem interested in me. I am not extremely interested in them, but enough. My internal thoughts have been to avoid them because of lots of silly reasons like I do not have feelings enough for a long term love relationship or hurting them, yadda, yadda. Now that I think of, how do I know that? I think the proper thing to do would be to ask them out and see. Be honest with them, yes, but at least get out and be doing something besides sitting at home.

Other than that, I am just not real sure what else I can do. That will come and I will just go from there. This stuff will take some effort for me to motivate myself. I am not feeling so confident, either.


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