"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Here is a follow-up to my last blog:

In this morning's paper, front page, was an article about my client’s uncle. Some 31 year old guy got methed-up at some party a few blocks from there. He got in a fight and had to leave the party. He decided to break-in to in his words “use the phone.” He killed my clients’ uncle, then burned down the house in his words “to alert the police." They found this guy in the backyard when they were putting out the fire. This murderer is married with two kids, one is 11 and the other 18 months. My client is now my former client. I had to release my funds to her so she could get coverage. They have her on 24 hour supervision. In my last blog, I told you they could refuse services. Yes, however, if they are a safety threat to themselves or others, they have few choices. She has lost her choices for awhile. Her choices had nothing to so with this murder, but they only have that guys word to go on for now. There is all kinds of sad that can go around with this story. Okay, so I took my client, R, to his job Wednesday morning. His boss the owner, said he needed to talk to me. Good, I needed to talk to him as well. At R’s mother's suggestion, I was going to see if one of the employees there that work all the time with R could work with him. Not a bad idea, but in this business, there is tons of protocol and legal requirements for hiring someone. No way can I get it any of that done in less than 2 weeks. It can take a long as 8 weeks for fingerprinting and background checks. However, this is only temporary and they would not be alone, yadda, yadda. By this time, only one person had called me back that I called the day prior. She is another private provider and I was just asking if she knew anyone. She said she might and to call her latter. So, the owner drops a huge bomb. The funding for R’s job, money from WEA that supplements R’s income, has run out. They can not afford to keep R without the funding. So, R is just not going to work that week I am gone. My coverage problem, solved, at least for his job. I have to provide res hap with him 5 days week as well. However, now R is going to be out of work in December. I think I got that handled today, but I have to wait. See how a ‘bad’ can be a ‘good.’ Funny ( not ha ha but ironically) how R was going to lose his job anyway. I called the other provider and she can cover for me with R’s res hap. Yeah!!! Yesterday afternoon, I talked to D’s mother when I dropped her off and everything got worked out. The ‘charges’ were dropped and the report closed. Her mother is mad though because they pulled D’s younger brother out of school and asked him lots of questions. They did not talk to anyone else and D’s mother feels they may have traumatized her son. He was at least very upset and scared and confused by it. I took a child abuse course in college. A major concern about social workers questioning kids is the type of questions they ask and the methods. It is very easy to lead the kids on and get any answer they are looking for with their questions. Of course, any good lawyer would be all over that, but this social worker questioned D’s brother all alone. No school teacher or principle or school counselor, no one. No way would any of that stand-up in court. If there really was abuse going on, that person would have gotten away with it on a technicality. D’s mother is very upset about it, but she is doing the only thing she can do, nothing. There is no legal recourse with false reports. In fact, the reporter has total anonymity. One could make up lies, just to cause problems and have no legal repercussions. I agree with her that making a big deal out of it might just give whoever that did it to begin with more fuel for the fire. D’s teacher at school has known D for 3 years, so she would not have turned this in to anyone. In fact, she was very surprised to hear about it. It is still better than the old way.

Just another day.


Blogger Timothy said...

No, Nikky, it is not and maybe I should explain to everyone that I am not really complaining. I love my job and I love that it is never a dull moment. When it becomes a dull moment, I will be gone.

3:23 PM


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