"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

300.4 Dysthymic Disorder

I still love Halloween. I was just lamenting because I do not dress-up anymore and go dancing. Even now that I am sober, believe or not, I still love to dance. I have been depressed for 2 maybe 3 weeks now. It is dysthymic depression (DSM-IV-TR, pg 176, 300.4), [one of my given lables] a low level of depression that is constant and is not major or has manic episodes. Of the symptoms, 2) hypersomnia, 3) low energy or fatigue, 4) low self-esteem, 5) poor concentration or difficulty making decisions, 6) feelings of hopelessness. Why? I think I finally figured it out, after noticing the depression. I have been taking long naps, and going to bed early and keeping up with my exercising and still, I am beat everyday. The reason: the holiday season. No, not the holidays themselves, but the same thing that has been happening for the past 6 years. 6 years ago, this month, is when I last had a girlfriend. In fact, she was who I thought was the “one.” Do I miss her? NO! Want her back, yadda, yadda? Hell no! Do I hate her? Certainly not, I am just lonely. I have never gone more than a few months without sex before and now it is 6 years. I have been through the worst days of my life this past 6 years, none of which is directly related to her or even indirectly. I am just sick of being alone and taking matters into my own hands, if you know what I mean. All of my attempts at finding someone have been nothing more than helping me to heal and to see that I needed to do some more work. I have tried all types of ways of meeting woman, and nothing. I even tried that Adult Friend Finders site. I got zero responses. Come on now, you can not tell me that out of over 38,000 woman in a 100 mile radius of me that no one is interested in me? All I can think of for a reason or an answer is Divine Intervention. Yes, save me from myself. No, I do not want to just get laid. I want love and to give love. Don’t we all? Anyway, this time of the year is tough. I have a hard time not thinking, well, 7 Halloweens now. 7 Thankgiving’s. 7 Christmas’s alone. And then the worst holiday of them all, St. Valentine's Day. Not just that I am alone, but my best friend ever died in car wreck and her funeral was on, of all days, St. Valentine's Day. Okay, so I caught it early. I refuse to be depressed and think about what I do not have this year. Thankgiving will be different because I am going to Jamaica. However, it is for my brother’s wedding. Maybe I will meet some hot island girl! Or maybe I should stop think about sex and woman and just.. What? What else is there to think about?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dysthymia is found twice as much in women as compared to men and this ratio does not depend on racial, ethnic or economic background. Until adolescence the rate of depression is not so much between boys and girls but after the age of approximately 12-13 it is more prevalent in girls, the reason could be the rapid changes in their physical, intellectual and hormonal constitution. http://www.xanax-effects.com/

4:27 AM


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