"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Monday, July 11, 2005

recent dreams

My dreams have been interesting these past 4 or 5 days. They have been very busy. Two nights ago, I dreamt that someone hung my new puppy (a tan Pug) from my 6 foot cedar fence with a string. Their intent was to kill it, but I was able to rescue it. Although it was hurt and near death, it survived. There is a dating website tah offered personality "tests." One was to see what type of dog you are in accordance with your personality type. They told me I am a Pug. In a Gestalt way of analyzing it, that puppy was one of my inner strengths. New, just learning and developing, my new, better self. I had a “feeling” in my dream that it was the same evil people who tried to hex me before. I guess someone does not want me to grow and become that superhero. Then, the dream changed to me being on some nice sandy beach in some very warm and sunny place. I was in a big evaluated hut with several adolescents. They were some disadvantaged youths and I was working with them as a mentor. This was just like in my trip to New Mexico two years ago with the youth group I was volunteering for then. In my dream, we were very close to the ocean. The water was very blue and clear. The tide was a little brisk, but there were no huge waves. Very near the shore, in water that was very shallow, a small black whale swam by us. Then, more and more different types of whales came by until one of them was actually a large Bull Shark, just like the ones we have been hearing about in the news. The same kind that has been biting swimmers in the ocean at Florida. I told the youths to be careful and stay out of the water. Of course, 3 of them had to go in immediately, just because I said no. I had to use my superhero powers and place force felids around them so they would not get hurt. I reminded them about the dangers and two came back. However, one stayed out and actually stood on a black coral reef about 20 yards from the shore. Only his feet were in the water. He was pretending that he was having fun and doing something important, when in actuality, he was just rebelling and he was also very scared. Then, a Hammerhead Shark swam by between him and the shore. It was even larger that the Bull Shark, much larger, bigger than any of the whales. I began thinking about how I had heard that Hammerheads are one of the most aggressive sharks in the ocean. Another thought came to me to express my other thoughts verbally, yet, I held my words. The other youths began talking amongst themselves and commenting on how stupid he was acting. He heard them and decided that he would come back onto land. Once he got in the hut, an Orca swam up to us on the beach, instead of swimming by like the others. I think he was asking the youths to respect their home. A few months ago, I heard on TV that Orcas are considered to be part of the dolphin family. Orcas are very intelligent mammals. Then, in another dream, about 5 days ago, I dreamt about being dead. The dream started with a man and a woman who were working hard to find each other. They had to travel many miles. Along the way, they went through several relationships, each one was short, but gave them chances to learn and grow. Sounds a lot like me. At one point in my life, I was going through lots of learning about what I did not want. Then, I went through a period of finding parts of what it is I do want. In my dream, they finally found each other. They were very happy and content and full of peace and joy and harmony. They began talking and sharing their journeys with each other. I stood closer as others joined in the conversation. Then, suddenly, although not in an uncomfortable or frightening manner, I realized that they were dead. And so was I! It was not a horrible feeling, but a very comforting feeling. I felt as though all my worries and troubles were gone. I told one of the guys there, “Now I don’t have to take that math test.” He told me “Oh, you still have to learn.” The lady walked up to me and placed her hand on the back of my shoulder as we all began to walk outside. I told her “Well, I guess I will finally get that PHD that I was hoping to get.” An image came to my mind of my tombstone at my grave. Their was “Dr." in front of my name. She said, “You will get everything you have ever wanted.” We walked onto a beautiful garden patio that was very full of lush foliage and flowers and clear blue sky and I was very happy and content and peaceful and I woke up. That is me now! Death is metaphorical. It is symbolic of ending something before a new something can begin. For me, it is a message that I needed to stop being who I was before and to let go of all of my old self. My new self is much better. I am in a much better place now. I find it very interesting that there was lots of others there with me.


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