"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Free Will and predestiny

My believe is that major “events” in our life are “predestine.” Yes, of course, there is also Free Will and yes, we can make our own futures and life’s. I believe in re-incarnation. Thus, we can “plan” or “pre-arrange” certain aspects of our life’s before we come back, all in accordance to God‘s Plan. However, if one is bound to lots of negative Karma that was created in previous life times, those choices can be very limited, perhaps even not at all. Certain characteristics and personality traits can carry over. If one has lived many life times and has chosen to learn their lessons, thus “evolving,” then those lessons will carry over to the next life time. If one becomes “evolved” to a certain level, then they are able to “remember” those past lessons. Eventually, those lessons will run out, we will have learned all we can from this particular “dimension.” Then, it is time to move on to the next. Some call it Heaven, some call it Nirvana, but it does not really matter the name. It is simply the goal and the next level. What about those who choose not to learn? What about those who spend many life times doing horrible things to others and themselves? Eventually, their chances will run out and they will not be given any more tries at life. Sad, unfortunate, believe it or not, it happens. For those who are doing their best to learn and grow, we have the opportunity to do some “planning” and “pre-arranging” certain events and aspects of our new life. For example, we may plan to meet our “soul mates,” plan our career, plan for things of this nature in order to learn certain lessons. We can do this “planning” ourselves and also with others. For example, perhaps in a former life time, someone helped us out. That “help” was very important to us. Therefore, we “owe” them our gratitude in returning that “help.” That is only fair and only right in accordance to Karma. Not all “help” needs to be rewarded or returned, so that is between the 2 people. I have heard this called “spiritual contracts.” There is Free Will to choose. Sometimes, people decide to not fulfill their contracts. Either through misperceptions or fear, they choice to not do any of it or just part of it. That does not make them “bad” people, but there are always consequences for our choices and actions. Yes, we have the Free Will to do as we please, there is freedom of choice, but there are consequences to our actions. If a person decides to not fulfill their contract, they are choosing not to learn, thus, they will have to try it over again. Imagine loaning someone money, someone who is destitute and that small amount of money you give them means the difference between fulfilling their life lessons or having to try all over again. Sounds important, does it not? Perhaps you may feel it un-necessary to have that favor returned. Of course! You are modest and you love God. That is only right after all! Imagine now that you are the person who is destitute and you need that small loan. Imagine now again that the other person does not want to give the money to you, the same person you helped out before. If you can “remember” all of that, then you will know it is okay and that somehow you will still be able to learn and you can forgive because you understand. If you can not “remember,” you may develop resentment. A person is your “soul mate” in this instance, just as they can be your spouse. Your children, your parents, even your very close friends, are “soul mates.” We might make new ones, we might lose old ones. Free Will, our freedom of choice, is what brings us closer to God and those higher levels. That same Free Will can push us farther away, too. However, some of the events that have been “pre-arranged” or “planned” do not always seem like a choice we make now in this life time. That choice was made before, which insures Free Will. In that way, if we can “remember,” the knowledge of “remembering” helps us to understand why we feel like we have no choice and why all of our efforts do not bring us to our goals and desires. We hear this all the time, keep trying, not matter what and you will succeed. Not always true. We can bang our heads against that wall until we die and never learn our lesson and therefore have to come back and try it again. We choose to not learn and to fight our “fate” we get to come back and try again. Sometimes, we can feel like we are being “forced” to make it happen. The arrangements keep us from deviating from our “pre-arranged” course or path. At times, we can feel like we are being treated like children who can not make their own choices. We can feel like we are being oppressed and forced to do something we do not want to do or at the least, not what we would like to do. At times, we can feel that we have no idea what it is we are “supposed” to be doing or learning. There are lots of distractions in life that are “designed” to detour us from our “paths.” Call it evil or Satan or temptations, no matter the word, those distractions are there and they can prevent us from learning our life lessons. However, they can also help us to learn and grow, thus being a part of the “Plan.” In that way of thinking, like it or not, evil is a part of God’s Plan. There is no better an example of distractions from our growth than money. The “real trick” is to learn how to continue growing and work through the distractions. Make lots of money and still continue to “evolve” our minds and spirits. Face it, when we die, we take nothings else with us but our sprits, our souls, and our knowledge, and of course, our love and fears. To learn to live and grow and to conquer our fears and to reach higher levels of love and to share that love is the ultimate goal.

Just my believes. You can choice to believe how you want.

I believe I wrote this because I felt like I needed to “remind” myself.


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