"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

my dream, June 28th, 2005

Wednesday morning, I had an interesting dream. I was at my Grandmother’s house in Guernsey, Wyoming. Guernsey is a very small town, less than 1,500 people today and only 820 when I lived there with her. Grandma Mary’s house was very small, but my family would all gather there on weekends and holidays. She was/is my favorite Grandmother. She crossed over about 10 years ago. Whenever I dream about being at her house, it is nearly always a significant dream for me. When I dream about being at her house, there is usually an important message for me. So, I was inside the house, in the living room, and I had just completed a big task, an old phase of my life. (Grandma was not there and she is usual not in my dreams) I had already begun a new phase, the next level, so I was not stuck in a bardo anymore. That is important for me because I have felt like I have been in a bardo for over 6 years now. Also, I think it is important about the way I was dressed. I had my shirt off and I did not have my big stomach, I had tight ripped abs! My chest and shoulders and arms were very big and muscular. I felt great! I felt good about myself, the best I have ever felt, but I was not complacent. I knew I had more work to do, but I had already started it and had done some work on the next phase. So, I was about to continue with my work when a big grey Owl landed on the edge of the roof, on the gutter. The Owl was being very noisy and calling to me. So, I went outside, hoping to find a feather, a Gift from the Owl. After I got there, I discovered a curse bundle, a voodoo bundle of feathers that as tied together with string. It was meant to cause me harm and to cast an evil spell on me. Then, I found another bundle. It was small sticks tied together by a piece of leather. I found 2 more, 4 all together. I knew that I had been hexed and that what was keeping me down. Not completely, but it did hurt me and effect me in a very negative manner. After I picked the bundles up, I started to “feel” the energy in them to try and determine who put them there and why. Why was easy and the same old story: they hate me and blame me for all the wrong and in their life. Completely moronic, but that is their mentality. Well, my cousins pulled up in a car in the front of the house. I knew that one of them would take those bundles for me and she would destroy them, even though the power and magic was gone from them. I woke up before I found out who.

It sure is nice to know that I have confirmation on moving on and not being stuck anymore. It is great to feel so good about myself. In a Gestalt manner of analyzing my dream, those bundles were myself, they were a part of myself that was keeping me down and harming myself. That part is now gone. I “feel” that it was not entirely my doing, though. Whoever hexed me does not really matter. They will get their Karma.

Anyway, pretty cool!!!


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