"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

what is right and what is easy

For the past month or so, I have had this interesting feeling. That feeling is just waiting there, crawling around under the surface, snacking on my conscious. That feeling has already devoured my sub-conscious, biding it's time to get out. That feeling is not ready to come out yet and even if it did, I would not allow it. For the past 5 years or so, my intuition has been shot. I have been blocking it with my fears and doubts. Somedays, it is there and I can readily feel it, but not these days. I just tell myself I do not care, but I know I do, very much so, care deeply and want my intuition back. I do not want to be that psychic who does taro readings at the VFW, just a guy who can follow his heart and allow it to guide him again. As I have mentioned, repeatedly and perhaps obsessively, I am tired of being alone and not having a wife/girlfriend/lover. When that feeling surfaces briefly, it tells me that my life is going to be different once I get back from Jamaica. Perhaps, my life will change while I am there. Perhaps I will met someone or perhaps I will just lose some of what keeps me from my intuition. Maybe things will not happen until a few months after I get back, I do not know. I suspect that even if that feeling did fully expose itself to me, I would still not know any of that. Perhaps that feelings purpose for hiding and only teasing me is to make sure that I am ‘aware’ and ‘open.’

The past 2 weeks, I have been frustrated. I have had a strong urge to just take over. I have been just telling myself that getting laid is the answer. Forget about love and a relationship and all of that and just score. After all, I have done my best and have fallen very short of the mark in finding love. I even went on that Adult Friend Finders site and found many possible candidates for my little scheme. Yes indeed, I am going to just get some damn sex no matter if God or anyone likes it. That was my plan, anyway.

Yesterday, Trevor and I went to see the new Harry Potter. It was great! I think it was the best one so far. The movie fell far short of all the details in the book, but that book was the longest to date in the series. Most movies fall short of the books in my opinion. At times, I was glad that I read the book because the movie was a bit confusing at times. There was a quote at the end of the movie that was a 'message' for me. Professor Dumbledore told Harry, "Now things will be a choice between what is right and what is easy.” The right way is always the hardest it seems and the easy way is the one that hurts and damages. If one thinks about Good and Evil, why would anyone want to Evil when it only delivers pain and torture and nothing good comes from it? Evil’s greatest asset is that it is easy. That is why many people take the ‘wrong’ path, because it is so much easier. Going to one of those on-line sex sites is the easy way, not the right way for me. I can easily find someone to just have sex with and then what? There would be a huge price to pay. It would be a step backward, not forward for me.

After that feeling of understanding and acceptance followed through me, I did not thank God but began to become a little upset. I asked when? How much longer? I began telling God that I am sick of waiting so damn long for what is right. Every woman in my life so far has not been ‘right.' So, when? No more do I want some woman who has this little thing here or that big there ‘wrong’ with her that keeps her from being ‘right’ for me.

These times bring up the question for me about Free Will. Do we really have it? Of course, I could do the easy thing, but you know, I have tried. I went on that same site 3 years ago and got nothing. I sent out their version of contacts to every single woman within a 100 mile radius of me. All of them! I got nothing from any of them. Not one! Tell me I am so hideous that no one wants to have sex with me and I will say that is impossible. Sure made me feel like though. What answer for it is there then? Devine Intervention. Can be nothing else. Safe me from myself. So, where is my Free Will then? Why was I not allowed to make that mistake when so many others are? At that time in my life, any sex with any woman would have not been good for me. I needed time to heal and grow. That would have put me back into my rut and then what? So, perhaps deep down I did not want it to happen and some how I made it not happen.

Okay, so I did and I do Thank God for the message. What do I do now? That is the real question. Where is the message for that? Jamaica?


Blogger elvira black said...

It's interesting what you say about free will and divine intervention. As I've mentioned before, I kind of wonder about the hating God/asking God thing that you mention.

I agree that it is always harder to do the right thing. For you, this "right thing" may involve things you might have to attempt to do that take you out of your comfort zone--I don't know.

I don't mean to judge or tell you what to do--I sometimes get on my high horse and think I know what's best for others. I'll just say that in my case, I met BG after a long period of waiting for Mr. Right. In my case, I did some internet dating (nothing stuck) and hung out at the local watering hole. Met lots of people, but again nothing that truly clicked til much later. I didn't sleep with anyone, though I was incredibly horny. I knew i wanted a long term commitment. So yes, I had faith that I would meet Mr. Right, but I also made a commitment to go where I could be "found." And I was impatient, but also patient, if you get my drift.

This probably doesn't apply to your case--just that although i do tend to believe in astrology, and maybe even being "destined" in a sense to have a soulmate, astrology also says that much of your life is also a choice to cultivate the positive or negative aspects of your chart. In other words, it's not all predetermined. Anyways, sorry for rambling. Don't mean to tell you your biz!

8:09 PM

Blogger Timothy said...

Nikky, it has been my experience that neither works and yet it all works. I sat on my ass and waited for over 3 years until it no longer felt right to wait. I have been waiting again for about a year now and was just thinking I should starting back looking. Thanks for your imput!

8:54 PM

Blogger Timothy said...


I suppose if I lived in a place that has places for me to be “found” in, then things may be different for me. Hanging out in bar for a re-formed alcoholic is not a good idea unless they want to start drinking again. Besides, I do not ‘fit in’ at the local watering holes. I am in plenty of places to be “found” and there are women in my life, but none that are ‘right.’ I appreciate your opinion and I am asking you for it, please. Please, explain your ideas of why I should not ask God. I thought I had explained it very well in other blogs. Maybe I am wrong. I agree completely about creating my positive situations. I am doing my best, but as I mentioned in an earlier blog, it does not seem to be good enough. I am confused at times and frustrated. I do not know what to do and that is why I blogged about it. Thank you for your comments! They are very much appreciated.

9:05 PM

Blogger elvira black said...

Hey Tim:

Yes, I realize that my "suggestions" if they can even be called that are pretty lame. I know that you are clean and sober, so unless you can deal with drinking soda in a bar, that option is out.

Moreover, BG and I at this point really don't have much in the way of friends. I do, online, but BG in particular had some "friends" who turned out to be scumbags, and we are both very wary now. We met some people in AA, and though some were nice, we didn't really have much in common with them.

One thing that I'm starting to do is try to "meet" other NYC bloggers. This way, perhaps eventually we might actually be able to meet up. I've already received an invite to one party, though I don't think I'll go. There's a few other online opportunities I've run across, but nothing I've seriously explored yet.

One thing that has given me some comfort is that some bloggers--even quite popular ones--also seem to have few or no offline friends. Thing is, nowadays I seem to find more people I can relate to online. I don't love small talk and feel awkward at large parties, but blogging is more of a one on one kind of thing, and you can get to know someone on a pretty deep level this way.

As far as the God thing, that's just my philosophy, which is different from others. I personally don't think that God is going to directly answer prayers--if he did, the world would be a vastly better place, I think. So I tend to find a higher power in a more abstract sense. And sometimes I feel like there is a higher force that sees a bigger picture than I can. This especially seems clear to me when things that seem like disasters at the time eventually turn out to be opportunities or turn into something positive--though it may take years for this to occur.

Anyway, sorry if I upset you. Thanks for the great post.

10:54 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

hello timothy...
you're probably in jamaica by now, hopefully having a great time. at least have a bit of a good time for me, cuz i'm freezing up here in vancouver ;o)
i find that a lot of epiphanies (sp?) happen to me when i read childrens' novels. i'm jus rereading the little prince with my grade 7 class and so many things come to surface that are relevant to dealing with one's life. but i like your tie in with harry potter. i haven't read that novel yet, but i have a feeling i will be soon. and don't worry bout that comment you posted, you didn't sound judgemental to me.
ever since i was 16, i had chosen not to drink. i had tasted alcohol and just didn't like it. and even now, no one will offer me a drink cuz i can't take more than 2 sips of a cocktail. when i go to weddings, i toast to be polite, but i'm always drinking ginger ale or sparkling apple juice. none of my friends pressure me to drink (or do anything i don't want to), and that's why i volounteer to drive them home. they're good to me that way, so i'm good to them.
i'm pretty square according to most people my age: i don't drink, smoke or do drugs. but like you, i can make a fool of myself and be completely sober. it's a talent only few posess ;o)

2:54 AM


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