"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Halloween is coming soon

This is a pin and ink drawing I did in college. It is all one continuous line. The other is pastels over watercolor, post college, pre-no drinking. This ‘reaper’ I had made into a tattoo on my right shin. Photos latter. The colored pencil drawing was done in 9th grade. I saw that in the clouds, looking out my bedroom window one afternoon. I used to draw lots of this type of stuff, but then I stop. (See blog in archives, “A Witch Hunt in Wyoming” for details.)

Halloween used to be my second favorite holiday. I loved going to costume parties and dressing up and all that. I love carving pumpkins and all of the cool decorations. I like the theme colors of black and orange. They just seem to go very well together. When Trevor was little, I loved getting him a costume and taking him Trick or Treating. Now, it is just another day. These days, since I quit drinking and do not go to parties anymore, I do not think about it so much. I could still go to parties and dress-up and not drink, but I do not know anyone or have any friends who invite me to parties. Glad I enjoyed it when I had the chance. These days, there seems to be lots of “Christians” complaining about the evils of Halloween. Kind of ridiculous, I think. Those people seem to take everything out of context and make life a friggin’ bore. Trick or Treat is not what is used to be, either, thanks to the pedophiles and theives and whatever or whoever else that makes people hurt children.


Blogger elvira black said...

Cool art! I think Halloween has become even more popular than ever--for adults and children. My b/f BG was born on Halloween, and we met on his birthday, so that's a pretty special day for me. He's got all the Halloween tats to prove it, too.

There is something that seems to be very comforting about Halloween. I think it has something to do with the fact that you can actually confront the specter of mortality in a kind of light hearted way. I mean, when you think of it, do you ever feel depressed or scared on Halloween? (except in the sense you mentioned, about thinking back on Halloweens gone by).

Trick or treating, at least in my area, seems to be pretty much a thing of the past. In BG's neighborhood, the kids go around to all the neighborhood stores and they give out candy, but there's almost no door to door stuff that I know of. Kind of sad. But there's always those Monsterfests on TV this time of year. Halloween also marks the first holiday of the "holiday season," which can be good or bad depending on how you feel about it.

But it is fun to get into the Halloween spirit, isn't it?

1:23 PM


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