"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

More art from my past. This first one is Terry Nun from the 80’s New wave band “Berlin.” Done with pastels over water colors, in 1984. Next one is John Bulishi (sp?) done with quash or opaque watercolors. That was an assignment for my Advertising Design class in 1982, when things were still done by hand and not computers. (I actually saw his ‘grave site’ on Martha’s Vineyard in 1997) Today as I was leaving the YMCA, around 6:00AM, after lifting, someone commissioned me to do a drawing for them. They want daises. I am very flattered that they asked me and hey I might make a few bucks, but usually I do not make much on my art. I just sell it too cheap. Actually, I usually give it away. If I have shown someone in the past my work and they really like a certain piece, I have just gave it to them. Not my favorite stuff, though. One of the requirements for admission into grad school in the counseling program at UNC in Greeley, Colorado, is to take the MMPI II. That “personality inventory” is a joke! If any of you psych majors or any who have studied this test, you will know what I mean. Although they claim it is very accurate. The questions, all 531 of them, are true/false. Absurd method for a psych test. I can recall many of the question’s answers for me being both. One example is: “If you were an artist, would you like to paint flowers?” I am an artist and I hate painting flowers. I love flowers, but I am very bad at drawing and painting them. I can never get them to look like flowers. How do I answer that? Maybe that question is supposed to be an indication of gender roles, I do not know. There were other questions that directly asked about liking flowers and wanting to be an artist. Maybe that is a question designed to see if a person is “faking” as they say in the psych world. The very first question through me off. “Do you like to read mechanics magazines?” Well, I have never read one. How do I know? I work on my own cars and motorcycles, mostly because I like it and I can not afford paying someone else to fix them (I should say I used to not be able to, I can now). I have “looked” at car magazines, but just at the pictures of the cars. I have read articles about cars and instructions in repairs in books, but no mechanics magazines. No, I did not “like” reading the instructions, but they sure did help with the repair jobs. I just answered “true.” So, what were my results? They were looking to see if a person fit into their ideas of what a counselor should be, so they said, whatever that means. That was never explained. The person who told me about my results said I am ( or was at the time) “a person who is re-defining themselves.” She was right. So, maybe that test is a good one, what do I know? I knew that at the time and I did nto need an $85 test to tell me. I guess one is not supossed to be re-defining when appliying to grad school.


Blogger elvira black said...

Cool art!

Don't give away your art for free! Make 'em pay!

MMPI: is that the one where they try to trip you up to see if you're psychotic with weird questions? Like in the middle of some innocuous questions like "I like flowers," or "I like to take long walks," they'll sneak in something like, "I hear voices sometimes" or "sometimes the TV sends me messages" and stuff like that. Yeah, what a hoot those tests are.

8:26 AM

Blogger Timothy said...

Thanks for your kind words about my art, E! This stuff here is some of my ‘not as good stuff.’ If you have the time latter, there is a lot more on here.

Yes, the MMPI II is that same test. It is the “Minnesota Multifaceted Personality Inventory.” Very well known and used to help determine a person’s and personality by many, many places. They are on the second revision. Any psych major has to take classes on testing and studies. The first thing a person learns is that the tests are not very accurate and can easily fool people. Some psychology people spend their entire careers thinking up these tests. Yes, I remember some of those questions now about hearing voices and seeing angels and stuff like that. There was a lot of questions about believing in metaphysical stuff, as well. Maybe I should not have answered true on so many of them.
In the psych world (the scientific part anyway), you are considered to be schizophrenic if you believe in metaphysical stuff.

2:02 PM


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