"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

More good music

I bought a new CD today, well, actually 2. One is Pat Benatar’s Greatest Hits. The other is her first album, “In the Heat of the Night.” I kept looking at all of her greatest hits CD’s, and there seems to be a ton of them, and I could not find one with all the songs from the first album that I liked on it. So, I thought I would just buy the best ‘hits’ one with the good ones and then buy the first album all by itself. I forgot just how much I love that first album! She has such a great voice, but I love the raw, edgy rock music on the first album. Usually, I only care about the music and do not pay much attention to the artist’s attitudes and their persona. With Pat, it is hard not to notice. She has lots of strength and did things her way, which was to NOT be a corporate sex goddess as they tried to make her. I know lots of girls who wanted to emulate her and in my opinion, that was a very good thing. When I was listening to the greatest hits one, I was lying on my bed with my headphones on, thinking about what I was doing back when this music was new ( mostly during the "Crimes of Passion" album). I had this really awful girlfriend back then. She was insanely jealous and I had to spend all of my time with her. She was the type of person who if I happened to sneeze and turned my head and there just happened to some women within a mile of my eyesight, I was accused of siring her children. That was tough. I never once cheated on her, although she was absolutely convinced I had many times. We had an on again off again thing and between the ons and offs, I had a few opportunities. No, I was not perfect either, but she brought the ugly green monster of jealousy out in me and it took me many years to get past it. When I was with her, I used to wish for moments like I was enjoying last night, being alone and just listening to music and thinking about nothing and everything with no worries. I used to spend lots of my time alone, listening to music, lying on my bed and thinking when I was young. Now, I am alone most of the time. Guess I got my wish. Still, I would rather be alone than spend another second with her or someone like her. I think I was just too stupid and/or too insecure to be alone. Even the sex was awful with her. I just do not know what I was thinking. Sorry, I should not be talking about my ex-girlfriends like that. It just seemed so ironic to me. Anyway, I love Pat Benatar! That CD sounded so good I listened several times. My favorite song on the first one is “My Clone Sleeps Alone.” The same guy who produced that first album she made is the same guy who produced the British 70’s rock group “Sweet.” Pat even covered one of their songs that the producer actually wrote, “No You Don‘t.” You might know The Sweet from the song “Ballroom Blitz.” That song was covered in the “Wayne’s World” movie.


Blogger Timothy said...

okay, so I'm old. Thanks for reminding me. at least you know who she is, right?

7:42 PM


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