"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

more of the "Tin Man"

On Wednesday, I was driving to pick-up one of my clients. I was feeling pretty good about getting certified finally through the State of Wyoming to be able to provide res hap services. I had been working on it for months! I needed it to be done because I have been working for free with my client. He just moved out on his own from his parents house. When a DD person, who is an adult, moves out and they are living independently, they can only receive day hap and res hap services. To me, it just did not seem to make much sense why. I have been basically doing the same things with him. Therefore, I asked the person at the State and she told me that it so they can have 24 hour service available to them. If there is some situation that they need some kind of help at say 2:00AM, then there is someone they can call. I was doing this anyway for him. I am available to all of my clients at anytime if they need me. Oh, and get this! Starting in October, the State is changing this! They are making it so the DD person can get the other services I was certified to provide already! I could have just waited for month and not have to do all of this stinking paper work! However, I want to be a big organization some day, so I wanted to be certified anyway. I am waiting to get day hap when I have a building and everything. On the way to my client’s house, I was going through the radio stations because all but one on the memory was playing a commercial. That song quickly ended and guess which song came on? “Tin Man” by America! Coincidence? Oh. No! When I heard that song, I thanked God for Helping me. Looking at it now, I have a thought. It is easy to say God is our friend when a nice little Miracle happens or when things are going very good. It is not so easy to say God is our friend when times are bad. I still have some work to do. I need to just believe!

Also on that morning, before I left, I had this song stuck in my head. I was singing to myself as I got ready for work. I was even singing it loud. So, after “Tin Man,” that station began their commercials, so I changed the station. That song came on!!! I love it when this stuff happens!!


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