"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

yes, more art stuff

In the newspaper Friday, there was an article about “The Artist Guild” here. It is an art club. They have a gallery and all that. The article said they had a website, so I went to it. The club said they need help with projects and maybe some teachers for work shops. They have been around for a long time. I knew about them back in college during the 80’s. I have been inside their gallery once about 24 years ago. I e-mailed them about a membership and their programs. They wrote me back and I will try to stop by sometime this week. I am not much for clubs and things of that nature. I belonged to the Corvette club in town when I had my ‘72 rag top. I had some fun and met some good people. Maybe this art club will be a good thing for me.


Blogger Nine Lives said...

i actually expected you to say something about teaching at their workshops... : ) but i guess that will come in time if you like them enough huh?

10:24 PM


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