"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Art stuff… exhibition

Two weeks from today, I will be setting-up for my art exhibition at the YMCA!!!!! To think that it was August of last year that I was offered and first signed-up! That day, it seemed a very long time to come. Now, looking back, the time has gone by so very, very fast! Right now, I am excited, yet, I am not nervous or worried. Maybe this is because it is my first solo show and I am naive to unseen things that may or may not occur. For example, if I knew that I will make a lot of money or this is going to open many doors for me, I might be overly critical of my work and make a mess of all of them. I just feel calm and confident inside. It has already opened doors for me. There is no pressure to sell. If I was a professional artist and depended on my art, then… well, I would have a different perspective. Oh sure, I am in a extremely bad way now for money, but I am surviving. I have a day job, well, 3 actually, 3 very part timers for now. A big part of this nice feeling is that I am familiar and comfortable at the YMCA and with the people there. I have had a chance to get familiar with the process and to know the people who work there. So, you may be asking, am I ready? All but one piece. I ordered frames for my woman/dragon serious. (yes, I see all 6 drawings as one piece) One is large enough to put 4 of them in and the other 2 will be together. Same type of frame. I redid the green lady. (photos pending) She had too many mistakes and I noticed there was 3 different greens on her. Someday I have it in mind to use multicolor and do them again. Hey!! new name: “Lady/Dragon” serious. Yes, much better. These are ladies. Okay, so I need to put them in a matt, using my new fancy matt cutter, then frame them. It will take some time, maybe about 4 hours. The frames are scheduled to be here today. I just checked the FedEx tracking site and they left Henderson, Colorado at 2:49AM this morning. I do not know how far that is from here or if they will get here today. These ladies are NOT for sale. I made a contact that can make reproductions. I am not sure what the cost would be. That can be a back-up just incase someone is extremely interested and just has to have them. Other than that, I need to go over each piece, right down a name and a price. I have to make my own information cards about them, so that is next. Also, check them out, see if anything needs to be done, any last minute touch-ups. The past few days or so, I have been doing some planning for the set-up. I have in mind where some of the pieces should go and on which walls and who is sitting by who. Is this FUN?!!! I am having fun! This will be a fun weekend for me.


Blogger Nine Lives said...

wow congratulations!!! i am sooo happy and excited for you my friend.

i am having fun, too, just reading about it already.


9:29 PM


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