"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Today’s styles

Just when did it become “cool,” no, not cool but normal, average, everyday attire to appear like a criminal?
Before I go any further, I would like to remind you or encourage you to read one my previous blogs titled “Letter from a Russian Dating Site.” This will give you some insight on what I am saying here.
I have been ill with a nasty flue for 3 days now, so maybe my perceptions are slightly altered at this time. Maybe I do not know all the points of views with this. I do have my own, though. I just left from the doctor’s office and stopped to fill my anti’s. As I entered the place, a young couple entered in front of me. I am not real good with ages, so I do not want to guess. They looked younger than my son who is 16. The guy yells out to a customer leaving, “She’s my girlfriend.” How nice for you, guy, but I feel very sorry for her. Secretly I wished he would have said that to me so that I could have given him my opinion, but I barley had energy to get my prescription let alone for a futile argument with some idiot kid. You never know, he might pull out a gun and “cap me.” So, I got my anti’s and grabbed a OJ for the extra C. Besides, OJ is the only thing that tastes half way decent right now. I get to the check-out counter and they were next in line in front of me. If the guy's loud and obnoxious voice was not enough, his comments to her clinched it for me. He very loudly called her a “dirty whore.” Maybe that is a joke these days. Maybe she likes it, I do not know. At that moment, it just sounded wrong to me. If he was trying to offend me or prove his worth in the World by being a tough guy, he failed. Why is ignorance so "cool?" To me, even using those words in the bedroom sounds offensive. Just me, though. I do not like to degrade women. Then, their attire become a focal point for me and I recalled that letter from Russia. They were both wearing gym clothes, “sweats.” His were dirty, hers were white and matching. Maybe they just got out of the gym? He had his head shaved, and they both had tattoos on their necks. I have nothing against tattoos, I have 3. Her was large letters in Old English style lettering, commonly known as “gang” tattoos. The tattoos were quality work and did not look like they were done with an ink pin in “county.” His had lots of color very obviously not from “county.” For some reason, they both repulsed me. Their look screamed "Poser" to me. Not like I have not seen this before and known some of these kids. I worked with them in a hospital situation and tried to make a difference with them by being understanding. None of them invented rebellion, not even some of their parents are old enough of that. Judging by this girl’s shoes, her very heavy make-up, her “designer” name clothing, her cell phone, and her car, she is not fresh out of “juvie” like she wants people to think. She is just following fashion. I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s. Our motto back than was never trust anyone over 30 nor anyone with short hair. Despite all of my best efforts, I am now over 30. Oh, I still have the hair. Well, not so much in the front these days. In my heart though…. The kid’s call me an old hippy. They are right about one thing, I am old. Give me the old days when green Mohawk’s and tattoos of chainsaws on the side of your head ruled! Give me back black leather jackets with spikes and spiked collars and safety pin lip rings and “The Ramones“ and “Wendy O Williams!” That was rebellion!! That was PUNK! My parents hated my hair. I did not grow it to rebel, though. I grow because it is who I am. I wore bell-bottom jeans and tie-died T-shirts. I am sure when I was standing in line somewhere back then, some guy hated my clothes and my hair. Was I just following fashion? Maybe. That was all they had at K-Mart and all my parents could afford to buy for me. I made my own shirts. Who am I too judge? I can not, but this fashion fad of the “gangster” look does not appeal to me. It looks hypocritical on rich white kids. Rich white kids have always seemed to ruin it for everyone else. Back in the day, we called them “Posers.” Maybe those kids will never have to worry about it, yet, I am wondering how a 30 year old man gets a good high paying job with gang tattoos on his neck? Same for a female. Maybe I am the hypocrite here. My son does not like these type girls or guys or the look or the music. Thank God for that!!! (I only call it "music" out of respect because Rap is NOT in my opinion.) That couple was definitely showing their rich kid’s rebellion and less obviously their lost little children inside. Sorry if I offend anyone with this. It is just my opinion.


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