"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Ode to Touch (reproach: a question of balance)

The alarm sounds out, advising me to arise!
I leap from my bed into the new day
Eager to embrace the promise of beauty and joy, pain and sorrow.
My day glides through each challenge
My spirit grows with each lesson
My mind flows into each new thought
My body is glad for the good use.
I work and play
I accomplish and relax
I teach and learn
I help others and give thanks
The sun goes down, advising me it's over
I return to my bed for much needed slumber
Ready for the promise of beauty and joy, pain and sorrow.
My days are full and sometimes busy
My spirit grew wiser and tried with lessons
My mind is reeling from too many thoughts
My body is weary for too much use.
I worked and played
I accomplished and relaxed
I taught and learned
I helped others and gave thanks
The darkness takes over, advising me I am alone.
I curl up while pressing my pillow close to my heart
Aching for the love of someone I can touch.
My days are long and night time longer
My spirit is crying to share it's new found glory
My mind is vainly fighting the lonely thoughts
My body is begging for the warmth of tenderness.
I am friend and acquaintance
I am sibling and parent
I am student and teacher
I am much to many, but I can not touch.


Blogger Jadon said...

Nice...very nice. Same with the other part.

5:39 PM

Blogger Nine Lives said...

same here, tim, same here... you are not alone

12:24 AM


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