"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

the art show and the Y

Next Wednesday night, April 27th, is the reception for my art exhibit at the YMCA. Tuesday (2 days ago) , I was informed that the board of directors decided, on Monday, April 18 (the day before), to have an appreciation dinner for the employees and the volunteers for all their efforts during the March fund raiser drive. They will be closing the YMCA and hosting the dinner there. However, the employees will be involved in the preparations, the serving, and the clean-up. Some thank you. Anyway, they are having it on the night of my reception. Originally, they wanted to cancel it or move it. However, the nice art director stuck up for me and her program and told them they could not because it has already been planned and advertised, months in advance. So, she said the reception is at 7:00 and the dinner is at 6:00 so we will just go and unlock the doors and have the reception anyway on the same night. My first reaction was that it would be better this way. The reception and display are in the lobby next to the pool. With the Y being closed, there will not be a bunch of wet kids running through and parents with their younger offspring setting around and waiting during the reception. 2 weeks ago, just a few short days after I first put my pieces in, I was showing my weight-lifting class instructor my art. There were 2 young boys, about 6 or so, wrestling on one of the benches in front of my art. They were jumping on and off of the bench climbing on the back. One fell back onto the wall and hit one of my pieces. Luckily, I did a good job framing it and it was secure enough to with stand the pressure. The instructor and I chased them off. I have no idea where the parents were, but I used real glass on my frames. They could have easily been cut very bad. Anyway, no pool, less distractions and perhaps a better atmosphere. However, after I thought about it, I became a little frustrated. They had already rescheduled my month from March to April. No problem, but with the YMCA being closed, will the people know that the reception is still on? Less people attending, less sells. The Y spends a lot of money on advertising for this art program. For the reception, they serve drinks and food. This is not donated. They send out special invitation cards to the community at the Y's expense. The Y takes a 20% fee from the sells to help cover the costs. A very good deal if you ask me. I have heard that some of our art galleries here take as much as 45%. If this program or any program at the YMCA losses money, they have no choice but to cut that program. It is just another example of how the arts take a back seat to any thing, especially when money is concerned, when the arts are so vitally important and help to generate money. Then, for me personally, I need the money very much right now. Now, today, I am okay with it all and I just Trust God that this is for a reason. Like I said, maybe it will be better this way. And also like I have mentioned before, art is not in the final product or selling it or any of that, but in the doing. This show has helped me to regain my interest in my art. I have done a lot of drawing in the past few months, more than I have done in years. My work has grown! It has meaning and significance and it has something to say now. Before this show, my art was just stuck in the very back of my storage unit collecting dust. It was all loosly thrown into some damn folders that were not even given the dignity of being dubbed a portfolio. Now, they are Portfolios! Organized, arranged, and front and center. Most of them had no frames or even matting. Now, my pieces have pride and dignity and boldly display their self-worth. My room has a drawing table in it now with my art supplies on it, waiting to be used at a moments notice, instead of buried in my closet, hidden as if ashamed. I do not feel that shame and embarrassment from Lu and my ex and all of that rubbish now. Now, I feel good to have people see my work. This is the most important part about this show to me, not the money. I feel good about my work and that is more than enough. People have said some nice things about my work and that is a bonus.


Blogger Nine Lives said...

you are on your way to more wonderful things. bravo!

4:45 PM


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