"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

bad with the good

Some wonderful events have been happening to me the past few weeks. It is nice to see some things coming to me after such a long period of nothing to very little. But, in the past 3 days, some "bad" stuff has happened. When I was shopping for a new frame for an art piece for the show, the battery in the car died. As you know, this is not my car, but my mother's. I had my cell phone and my father was home so he just came and jumped started it and I got home. It could have been worse and not much better, becuase it was a nice day, not snowing or high wind. He got there in less than 10 minutes and it started right up. It could have been something more expense or difficult to repair. Oh yes, I do my own auto repairs, unless it is too complicated for me. In actaully enjoy it. I had to work in the drive way, out doors, in the dark to take the old one out. I had to buy the new one ($67) which is a good price, but with my job having cut my hours down to 9 a week and I have not stared with my new client so, I need to conserve money. Again, though, it was not too cold and it came and went in quickly. I did not even make my knuclkes bleed which pretty much is the law in auto repairs. I could not wait until the next day becuase my mother was going somewhere with my father's truck and I had my appointment at the YMCA. Cars break. That is just a fact of life. The worse part of it is that I do not have the extra money. My mother gave me some of it back, but then I had to buy dinner for last night with the money. This is just a reminder that I need my own car, but, I am very grateful to have parents who can help me out. One good thing about this, i do not feel any angry about this. I am cool with it. I wanted to be grumby about it, but I just reminded myself about the good fortune with this (weather and all) and how I enjoy fixing things. Then, two days in a row, I get harassing phone calls about my credit card bill. They want $4,600! I only owed the card company $2,400. Don't think so! I told the guy that called the first time the truth, I am starting my new business and I can not pay until I get a client base. He said they offered me a settlement of 60% if I paid it all in one payment. That always makes me laugh. If had that kind of money at one time, I would have already paid it off. I thought that after we got off the phone that it was settled for now. But, at after 8:00PM last night, I get another call from them. Different person, same conversation. I was wondering why she had to call after I had already talked to someone else there just the day before. Probaly a ton reasons on their part, just not mine. You know, I would love to pay my bills. I am not the type of person who makes bills and does not pay them. However, I can not right now. Slowly, eventually, I will, but for now, I wonder what God is trying to tell me with these phone calls?


Blogger Nine Lives said...

ignore them. : )

credit card debt is unsecured credit so they can't do anything much except to harass you. i learned that from experience, too. (blush blush!)

10:57 PM


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