"One who conquers others is strong; One who conquers oneself is mighty." I care not to conquer others, but to simply understand, and help if I may do so. Conquering myself is another story, this story; one that is sometimes not simply for me to understand.

Monday, December 20, 2004


Our life's are so far away
From each of us in so many ways.
We pull ourselves back
And push others away.
Is it fear of dying,
Or the fear of living?
Is it based on fact,
Or just to over-react?
Oh, the marvels technology has done
To help us communicate with everyone.
But what is the gain
By the loss of touch,
To look into their eyes,
And see what they are saying.
Our life's are so far away
From Mother in so many ways.
We push and pull Her
And tear Her apart.
We burn Her and cut Her
And cover Her heart.
Is it for progress
Or lack of respect?
Is it for betterment
Or a Christ complex?
Oh, the marvels technology has done
To build everything for everyone.
But what is the gain
When nature is lost.
Our life's are so far away
From ourselves in so many ways.
We push ourselves forward
And pull others back.
Is it others who are to blame,
Or a lack of self-responsibility?
Is it based on fact,
Or just not knowing how to act?
Oh, the marvels technology has done
To see what's wrong with everyone.
But what is the gain
By trying to hide
When what we really need
Is to know ourselves inside.


Blogger Nine Lives said...

i love this one too. my own sentiments, exactly!

7:54 PM


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